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Friday October 18, 2024
Friday October 18, 2024

Penny Mordaunt’s ‘higher taxes’ outburst sparks online mockery



ITV’s second leaders’ debate sees Penny Mordaunt’s theatrical critique met with internet ridicule

Thursday night marked the second round of ITV’s leaders’ debates, featuring representatives from the seven largest parties in Great Britain. Penny Mordaunt’s performance, particularly her outburst about ‘higher taxes,’ stood out as a moment of pure theatre, leaving many cringing.

During the debate, Mordaunt aimed a sharp critique at the other parties’ tax plans, attempting to highlight the negative impacts of proposed tax increases. Her impassioned delivery, however, quickly became a target for online mockery. Social media users were quick to drag her for what they saw as an exaggerated and somewhat desperate display.

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The debate had its share of low points, but Mordaunt’s dramatic commentary managed to set a new standard. Her critique, intended to position her party as the sensible choice, instead came across as over-the-top and insincere to many viewers. Inevitably, the internet responded with a mix of humour and derision.

Online Reactions:

  1. “Was Penny Mordaunt auditioning for a soap opera or debating policy?”
  2. “If this were a drama class, Penny would get an A for effort, F for realism.”
  3. “Penny Mordaunt just delivered the most cringe-worthy performance of the night.”
  4. “Is it just me, or did Penny Mordaunt’s ‘higher taxes’ rant sound like a bad Shakespearean monologue?”
  5. “When politicians go full drama queen, it never ends well. Case in point: Penny Mordaunt.”
  6. “Watching Penny Mordaunt was like watching a comedy sketch. Unintentionally hilarious.”
  7. “Did Penny Mordaunt mistake the debate for an audition? Because that performance was something else.”
  8. “Penny Mordaunt’s ‘higher taxes’ speech: more theatrics than substance.”
  9. “I’ve seen more convincing performances in high school plays. Penny, that was rough.”
  10. “Note to Penny Mordaunt: dial down the drama, this is politics, not theatre.”
  11. “Sir Michael Take CBE should be proud. Penny Mordaunt’s performance was almost as funny as his parodies.”

On the brighter side, satirical commentator Sir Michael Take CBE found humor in the situation, offering a different, more lighthearted perspective on Mordaunt’s outburst.



Penny Mordaunt’s theatrical critique aimed to underscore her party’s stance against tax increases, attempting to resonate with voters concerned about economic pressures. However, the exaggerated delivery may have undermined her message, making it difficult for viewers to take her seriously. This incident reflects the challenge politicians face in balancing emotive communication with credibility, especially in high-stakes debates.


Mordaunt’s performance highlights the influence of media and public perception in modern politics. The immediate online backlash demonstrates how quickly political narratives can be shaped and reshaped by social media. It also underscores the expectation for politicians to maintain a certain decorum, with deviations being harshly criticized.


While the critique of Mordaunt’s performance was largely focused on its theatrical nature, it’s worth considering the additional scrutiny female politicians often face regarding their communication styles. Women in politics are frequently judged more harshly for displays of emotion, whether perceived as too aggressive or overly dramatic, reflecting broader societal biases.


The substance of Mordaunt’s argument against higher taxes addresses a critical economic debate. Tax policy remains a contentious issue, with significant implications for public services and economic growth. While her delivery was criticized, the underlying concern about tax increases is a legitimate economic discussion point, affecting voter decisions.


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