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Saturday September 7, 2024
Saturday September 7, 2024

President Ramaphosa signs National Council on GBV and femicide bill and NPA Amendment bill into law



Women, Youth, and People with disabilities minister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma hails the historic milestone as long-awaited legislation comes into effect

President Cyril Ramaphosa has wielded his pen with purpose, signing two crucial bills into law today. Among them are the National Council on Gender-Based Violence (GBV) the Femicide Bill and the NPA Amendment Bill.

The implementation of these bills, according to Women, Youth, and People with Disabilities Minister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, is a momentous occasion long overdue in South Africa’s pursuit of justice and equality.

In her remarks, Dlamini-Zuma underscored the significance of the moment, stating, “Today marks a historic milestone in the nation’s relentless pursuit of justice and equality as we gather here for the signing of The National Council of Gender-Based Violence and Femicide Bill into law. We honour the unwavering involvement of all those who have tirelessly worked to bring us to this moment.”

The journey towards enacting these bills began in 2022 when the National Council on GBV and Femicide Bill was first introduced in Parliament. Dlamini-Zuma highlighted the collaborative effort involving various stakeholders, including government, civil society organizations, the private sector, and survivors of GBV, whose voices have guided policy development and inspired action.

She emphasized, “Their voices have guided our policies, inspiring us to strive where justice prevails and the circle of violence is shattered.”


Legislative Progress: The signing of the National Council on GBV and Femicide Bill and the NPA Amendment Bill represents a significant step forward in addressing gender-based violence and enhancing the functioning of the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA). These legislative measures underscore the government’s commitment to combating GBV and ensuring accountability within the criminal justice system.

Collaborative Efforts: The successful passage of these bills reflects the collaborative efforts of multiple stakeholders, including government agencies, civil society organizations, and survivors of gender-based violence. By incorporating diverse perspectives and engaging with affected communities, policymakers have developed comprehensive legislative solutions to address systemic challenges.

Historic Milestone: The enactment of the National Council on GBV and Femicide Bill is hailed as a historic milestone in South Africa’s quest for justice and equality. The legislation establishes a dedicated framework for addressing gender-based violence and femicide, signalling a renewed commitment to protecting the rights and dignity of all citizens.

Policy Impact: The implementation of these bills is expected to have a tangible impact on reducing gender-based violence, enhancing victim support services, and strengthening legal mechanisms for prosecuting offenders. By enacting robust legislation and promoting accountability, the government aims to create a safer and more equitable society for all South Africans.


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