Thursday, September 19, 2024
Thursday September 19, 2024
Thursday September 19, 2024

Judge Delivers Clever courtroom Zinger straight out of Eminem’s Songbook



Circuit Judge references Eminem’s iconic line during sentencing, leaving courtroom Chuckling.

In a legal moment fit for the spotlight, a judge who had once sentenced Eminem seized the opportunity to inject a touch of humor into the courtroom, referencing the rapper’s iconic line. The incident dates back to June 2001, when Eminem faced legal repercussions related to a weapons charge stemming from a dispute with Detroit rap group Insane Clown Posse.

Eminem, born Marshall Mathers, found himself on probation for a year, avoiding a potential five-year prison sentence. The charges stemmed from an incident in June 2000, where the rapper was accused of brandishing a 9mm semiautomatic gun during a confrontation in a parking lot.

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Circuit Judge Denise Langford Morris didn’t hold back in expressing her disapproval, stating, “Poor judgment is an understatement for what you did. You are extremely lucky, sir, that no one was injured or killed.” Witnesses confirmed that Eminem did not point the gun at anyone, and the rapper claimed it was not loaded.

Defense attorney Wally Piszczatowski, pleased with what he deemed a fair sentence, emphasized Eminem’s satisfaction with being treated like any other citizen in court. Meanwhile, prosecutor Mark Bilkovic had initially pushed for jail time, emphasizing that the judge would keep a close watch on Eminem during his probation.

The courtroom took an amusing turn when Judge Morris decided to inject a bit of Eminem’s own lyrics into the proceedings. Referencing the rapper’s famous line from ‘The Real Slim Shady’ – ‘Will the real Slim Shady please stand up?’ – she cleverly addressed Eminem, stating, “Mr. Mathers. Now is the time for you to please stand up.”

The courtroom reportedly enjoyed a moment of levity as the judge playfully referenced the rapper’s hit song. Eminem, largely quiet throughout the sentencing, responded with a simple ‘No, ma’am’ when prompted by the judge.

Alongside the one-year probation, Eminem faced financial penalties and community service requirements. The courtroom episode added a touch of entertainment to what could have been a more serious legal affair.


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