Monday, September 16, 2024
Monday September 16, 2024
Monday September 16, 2024

Solar Fury: Earth hit by Radio blackouts, another Storm looms on the horizon



Space Weather alert: Experts warn of escalating risks as Solar Storms threaten communications.

A solar storm unleashed chaos over the Pacific Ocean on Monday, causing fleeting radio blackouts, and now, apprehension mounts as another celestial tempest is poised to strike Earth imminently.

Data reveals a radio blackout occurring off the western US and South American coasts around 4:20 pm ET on Monday (January 22). Although brief, the incident signals a potential escalation in the frequency and severity of such disruptions. The looming solar storm, predicted to hit today (January 23), raises concerns of further impact on radios and aviation communications.

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The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) initially estimated a 60 percent chance of the storm disrupting the power grid, highlighting the heightened risks associated with these cosmic events.

Renowned space weather physicist Tamitha Skov, speaking to the Daily Mail, explained, “As for radio blackouts, yes, the risk is increasing now.” Two recent small M-class flares resulted in short-lived R1-level radio blackouts, but Skov warns they may intensify, with the NOAA/SWPC pegging the risk of an R1-R2-level radio blackout at 60 percent over the next few days.

Solar storms, scientifically termed coronal mass ejections (CME), are graded on a scale from one to five, with today’s predicted storm rated G1, the least severe. NOAA suggests ‘weak power grid fluctuations can occur,’ and there may be a ‘minor impact on satellite operations.’

Skov reassures that these storms are not anticipated to significantly affect critical infrastructure. She elaborated, “We have a series of solar storms hitting starting now […] However, we can all rest easy, as these storms will not be that powerful to affect critical infrastructure.”

In a celestial silver lining, these storms might treat sky gazers in the US to the enchanting northern lights. Skov invites aurora enthusiasts, stating, “Solar storms are what cause the gorgeous aurora we see on Earth’s nightside. For the aurora lovers in your community, this week is a real treat.”

NOAA suggests the aurora may grace numerous areas, including northern Michigan and Maine.


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